I haven't been cooking steak for ages, as I was busy with my work like... almost every weekends. And since this weekend I'm off and next week is my study break, I suggested making lamb chop to my mum.
So on Sunday, after I woke up, I went to Giant nearby my house to prepare some ingredients needed for lamb chop.
- 800g of mutton
- Teriyak sauce
- Spice
- Brocoli & some potatoes
Teriyaki sauce that I use to marinade the mutton
Rosemary leaves. To increase the taste of the mutton.
I dare not say I'm damn good in preparing steaks, however, this isn't my 1st time preparing it and I actually made many "experiments" before. Therefore my cooking skills (especially steaks) are quite good one okay?
Got back home, I took out the mutton and keep it unfreeze for about 2 hours. This is done so that the mutton are keep at the room temperature.
Muttons are dried in order for marinading
Next, of course, I washed it with filter water, and dried it in preparation for the next step, which is marinading. (*Remember to dry it before you marinade)
Then, of course, I marinaded the mutton with the teriyaki sauce and sprayed some flavouring on it. It should be marinaded for a minimum of 30 minutes before the mutton absord the taste.
Before I continue, do you all know that it's actually better to use a thick pan in cooking steaks as the heats are spread more evently. So at the time you put the steak on it, the steak will absord the heat.
So, come to preparation of the mutton, I poured some oil in the pan, and put the mutton down after heatting the pan until it's fiery-red.
Each side of the mutton are fried about 1 minute, then I transferred them to the oven to continue the cooking. In case you do not know, a lot of western restaurants prepare their steaks using the similar way as if you grill the steaks using pans, if would be over-cooked.
The muttons are put inside the oven for about 5-6 minutes. (7-8 minutes if you're preparing beef.)
Dang Dang... a western mean is then prepared!~
Doesn't look delicious? Ya la because I do not possess a camera mah! These pics are taken using my mum's hp. However, frankly speaking, the taste is better than some of the western restaurants outside there. :)
I was waiting for my mum's good comment on it. However she dare says it only taste ma ma dei....
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