Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Dedicated for Guys!

Most of the time, when you want to know the girl's age but feel shy to ask, or the girl refuses to tell you... HEre's what you can do to know her age. ^.^

Ah Beng is a young and handsome college boy. One day, while walking on the street, he spotted a pretty, Ah Lian.

Ah Beng: "Hi pretty, do you believe that I can guess how old are you? By providing me the last 2 digits of your answer which you use your age, times by 67?"

AH Lian: "Wahhh really or not? Don't try to bluff me worrrr!"

Ah Beng: "Not bluffing. What if I can? you give me a kiss?"

Ah Lian : *shy*

Ah Beng: "Alrite, give me the total?"

Ah Lian took out her phone and pressed a while... and answered *NOTE! Ah Lian is 40 years old!

Ah Lian : "80!"

Ah Beng calculated a while... then he ran away from Ah Lian... leaving the sad sad Ah Lian on the street... crying alone...

Here's how you calculate it, ask the girl uses her age, times by the number 67. Then you use the total times 3 again. The last 2 digits of the answer would be the girl's age.

So now you know why Ah Beng ran away :)


Lee said...
