Guess what? Sushi King Member Day is here again! It's a day which my mum will never miss!
As usual, this year I followed my mum go and enjoy this special privilege given to all members. Where all the rice-based sushi on the Kaiten Belt cost only RM2/plate! Cool huh? Of course, special days like this... things like this is just unavoidable....

But... Since my mum and I are "Experts" in eating sushi, we know that we have to reach there by 6pm so that we don't need to wait and say "Chiew dai neng, keng gao siu".
Looks so delicious and crispy :)
The terrible thing of this year is... I went there two days continuously... First day with my family, while second day with Jaan wang and his gang. Now I can tell you that I'm having Sushi phobia.
No lar I'm not trying to show off! It's pretty cheap though. The dinner only cost us RM73 for four persons. Pretty cheap leH! So, if you love sushi and don't have a card yet, go apply then!
Sushi King does not pay me to promote but I think it's just so worth it. :)
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