Monday, April 14, 2008

I'm Tagged

Tiba tiba tagged by KamLai... -.-" so innocent!

Instructions: Remove 1 question from below and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post.

1. At what age do you wish to marry?
- 27-33

2. If you can turn into anything, what do you wish you can turn into?
- Warren Buffet's son, so that I can dominate the share market

3. What job are you doing now?
- Degree student in Finance. Part time Nikon promoter + photography enthusiast

4. Where is the place that you want to go most?
- Japan

5. If you have one dream to come true, what would it be?
- Succeed by 25, get recognised

6. Do you believe in seeing the rainbow after the rain?
- Why not? we all learn that in primary school.

7. What are you afraid to lose the most right now?
- my family

8. What cheers you up for the rest of the day?
- somebody come chat with me =)

9. If you meet someone you love, would you confess to him/her?
- Definitely, if I don't I might regret.

10. List out three good things of the person who tagged you.
- ambitious, hardworking, good companion

11. List three good things about yourself.
- ambitious, confident, self-actualise

12. What type of person do you hate the most?
- DOuble headed snake, and conflict maker

13. What would you do if you won a million dollars?
- Give half of it to my mum. Then give a treat to all my friends, and invest the rest, or might open up my own business.

14. What is your ambition?
- to be succeed by 25. or... get recognised by the blue chips, at least.

15. What would you want to be after you're dead?
- God

16. If you have a chance, which part of your character would you like to change?
- over confidence

17. What is your favourite color?
- white

18. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
- Satisfy with what I have. (satisfaction?)

19. What would you do if tomorrow was the last day of the world?
- Tell everyone how much I love them

20. Do you have any crush now?
- in the progress of searching.

Eight people that I want to tag are..
- yung yee
- hing wai
- Elaine Liyee
- WEi hoe
- Shiznit
- Jaan wang (stewpid with no blog -.-")
- nikki
- oja