For this week, I was place at Pudu Plaza to hold up a D-SLR fair, which by its name suggests, only professional cameras would be sold. This yearly event, organised by Nikon, with the purpose to attract more market shares as well as giving chances for those who are not as fortunate as me to try out those "Canons".
Did you hold this before? Got 5KG I guess.
Usually, this two days event at which all the "legs" of photgraphy would gather together to share their unique techniques as well as their masterpieces. Besides that, there were also this photography talk and models shooting session organised by a group of Nikon users, whom they called themselve as Nikonian.
There were many things surprised me at this fair.
Firstly, the booth was darn big and we had only seven people to take care of it.

Things that I do when there's no sales
Of course la! Professional camera fair, most of them also possess their own unit already!
Thanks dude!
*For entertainment purpose only

They occupied our booth and we had to "evade" them... What the hell...
Some uncles even took out their "SLR" (handphone), and take them desperately
Nice view huh?
"Wahhh all hamsap kia!!"
No no no never say that! (Although some of them really are) Pretty things are meant to be snapped, this is the nature of photography. What more these girls are so sexy? ;)
Models on first day : Natasha, Jin Li, Ashley, Sabrina
Models on second day.
Being a camera freak (It's my hobby okay?), of course I won't miss out this opportunity trying the D-SLR in practical. I grabbed a camera, D3 with a 17-55mm nano crystal lens, this camera not really that "expensive" , approximately RM20k only, and fired my camera at those models.
Shhh.... Bu neng suo de mi mi... by Jay Chao
Ashley and Natasha
Natasha again, and Jin Li

Nice or not? I mean the picture taken okay?
I don't know what do you all think about it but... Personally, I find that all the pictures taken by me are just so... NICE~
All pictures are proudly presented by.... ME!
Don't ask me introduce them to you (you know who you are!)! I also don't know them well, just got email address. I'm not going to disclose even if you request due to P&C, I have to respect them okay? I'm not an unethical person also! Unless... You know what? I love old-town's nasi lemak! ;)

Her smile is so sweet
Her name is Natasha, fall in love with her already hehe. She has a very sweet smile indeed. My favourite model among all.
There ends my 2 days work again. Tiring but happy as I got the chance to use the camera in practical. A lot of techniques are also taught to me by those pros. If any of you are reading this, thank you so much. :)
Okay I have enough said for that. Before I sleep...
Hey you... Yes you! Look here please?