Will be going Hong Kong for my vacation on 10th december! So, i'll be posting up all the pics i take over there...
So long didnt update my blog already, suddenly update feel so weird haha....
Anyway, just finished my FInals. Looking forward to earn 10k in this 3 months holidays. Thought of opening up a business but have no capital...
Therefore i'm still thinking hard what I can do. Perhaps.... the fastest way is through direct sales? :)
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Yay Hong KOng!
Posted by -Kok Fai- at 4:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: personal
Monday, August 11, 2008
My First Time as Cigarettes Seller
ANyway, the venue was at MINES Convention Center. Somewhere which took me half an hour to get there from Mines Shopping Complex (I lost...). Once I reached there, WOW, damn a lot of chicks. Yeah there were 62 girls would be selling cigarettes on the 2 days. Yes you did not see wrongly nor I typo, there were 62 girls, on which 50 are under my agent and the other 12 are under another agency. You all know what? I felt like I was one of the judges for the Miss Malaysia event lor on that night. Lol... I have to admit that those girls are really pretty. Cigarettes girls mah.
Anyway, my task on that night, was not only selling cigarettes, I had to look after these girls as they face the risk of being sexually harrassted by the guests on that night. Indeed there were such cases happened. Sometimes it's just so helpless... You want to work at night club, you have to "sid dai" a bit lor...
BAck to topic, it was actually a 2 nights event, organised by KENT, a brand which under the BAT. They rented one section of the hall and designed it like a night club, where all invited youths would come and enjoy the music and drinks for FREE, through out the whole night. I was being positioned next to the bar, carrying my little nikon bag with all the cigarettes inside. Who ever wanna get the new cigarettes would ask from the girls and they would approach me for that. I've been standing there for like... the whole night from the beginning of the event till the end. Kononnya "One night stand".
The most char dou thing was... There was this guy who kept on disturbing my girlS. Not one buy many of them. He damn pintai 1, I kept on blocked him from talking and hugging those girls. End up he dulan me and gave me a kiss on my neck unexpectedly and said.
"You know you are blocking me from talking to the girls?"
Dai lou... who you think you are?! %$@#^ him.... Dunno whether got AIDS or not. He called himself as "Richie". Tiu, think he damn rich like that.
Don't ask me to post those girls' pics. I didnt take any pic of them. Just a video and some randoms pictures of the venue. Check them out ba!
Gonna attend lecture now. Ciaoz

Posted by -Kok Fai- at 8:46 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Unisa Nite (Taylor's Prom Nite)
Welcome guys guys and girls girls. Proudly present to you, the Taylor's first...
Posted by -Kok Fai- at 11:34 AM 1 comments
Labels: events
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Half Day Trip to Kelantan - From Cameron

where elephants shower...
No matter how long u leave the egg in the water, it would still remain "half boiled". Cool huh?
Ya looks quite "disgusting", buthen, very nice leh! I'm sorry la just too lazy to type. I just uploaded these photos to share with you all. Wait for my next update bah. :)
Posted by -Kok Fai- at 11:41 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Some Tips on Computer
Alright I notice most of the people, especially girls (If not most, then majority), do not possess a good understanding about computer. I do not know about you all. But, for me, I do become a "computer doctor" most of the time when my friends' computer are facing some problem or to be more exact...
No no I'm not saying that you all are sux in computer nor showing off. I'm just here to share 2 programs which I find them useful to aid your computer performance. That is because I notice people (at least, my female friends) do claim that their computer kena virus when there is a noticeably slow in performance compare to before.
In fact, the cause of slowing down the computer performance is not restrict to only virus, but many other things, more commonly known as:
- Ad ware (Advertisement ware, which installs into ur computer when u visit some sites)
- Abandonned and old Registry
- Recycly bin files, Temporary files
- Too many programs launched at the starup
- Third party application temp files and recent file lists (MRUs).
What the hell are all these?
All you need to know is these are files that would contribute to the slowness of your computer.
So so, this time I'm sharing these 2 programs (freewares) with you guys.
CCleaner (formerly Crap Cleaner) is a freeware system optimization and privacy tool. It removes unused and temporary files from your system - allowing Windows to run faster, more efficiently and giving you more hard disk space. The best part is that it's fast! (normally taking less than a second to run) and Free.

So you just press the "Analyze" button to run the analysis. After that "Run Clearer" to perform the rubbish deletion.
*Note - if you do now want your recent typed URls in your internet explorer or your saved password for certain websites to be clean, untick the "cookies" and "recent typed URLs"

Ad-aware provides protection from known Spyware including: Data-mining, aggressive advertising, Parasites, Scumware, selected traditional Trojans, Dialers, Malware, Browser hijackers, and tracking components.
Pretty easy to use, select either "Full Scan" or "Smart Scan" to scan it when you're away for bath or whatever. When scan completes, just tick those found threats and press Quanrantine.
------------> Download here <------------
Well, just hoping can help you guys who are facing some computer slow down problems. DO perform a check using these 2 programs before you claim your computer "kena virus". At least you don't anyway send to those technicians and let them "untung" mah!
However, if you wish... let me untung also can geh.... I charge very cheap only ngek ngek =D
Posted by -Kok Fai- at 12:19 PM 1 comments
Labels: Computer tips, sharing
Deepest Apologies to My Fellow Readers!
I'm really sorry for being away from blogging for the past 2 months...
I felt so lazy to start blogging again for the previous weeks. So sorry.
Anyway, I guess it's time to back to the world of blogging as my fellow friends are F-ing and spamming @ my chatter box already.
Well, I'll be going to Cameron Highland again with my mum on this Thursday. I shall see what I can bring back for u guys la... Eh eh eh do not say that I said the same thing last time. I did bring 5Kg of cherries for u guys de lor! Buthen... ahhem, I lazy go pass to u all la... So sorry.
So my schedule for the rest of my holiday will be, this week @ cameron, and next week, work one whole week 7 days... Awww God -.-"
STay tune for the next update ya :)
Posted by -Kok Fai- at 1:07 AM 1 comments
Labels: personal
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Busy Busy... and More Busy
I'm so busy recently... until I rarely have the time to update my blog. So sorry. Busy busy busy....
This is an update also okay? Although it's so.... LAME
Ya I know it is. Definitely.... or... maybe? :)
Busy busy busy...
Posted by -Kok Fai- at 1:35 AM 2 comments
Labels: personal
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Another.... Mutton Day -.-"
Angeline, miss white, and Carolyn
Angeline is in-charged of the spaghetti, mutton again okay? -.-" While miss white is required to make her so own "mash potato". We thought it would be something like KFC's one, but in fact just a simple mash potato... Still very tasty la okay? (*Oh ya thanks Angeline for reminding me to give credit to Carolyn for flavouring the potatoes. Or else... -.-") Carolyn also brought us some desserts, and me? Of course, the big chef haha!
Miss white's is mashing the potatoes... look like what huh?
Spaghetti prepared by Angeline, it was just so... fantastic!
Dang dang... A dainty lunch is then finished prepare. :)
This time the mutton is 70% cooked. Just nice. :)
After that we had some desserts sponsored by Carolyn.
Huhu... Cnigel please don't kill me... =x
And lastly, as most of you all know lar... I'm a camera freak... I won't even forget to snap while I was cooking. Hehe
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Teriyaki Lamb Chop
I haven't been cooking steak for ages, as I was busy with my work like... almost every weekends. And since this weekend I'm off and next week is my study break, I suggested making lamb chop to my mum.
So on Sunday, after I woke up, I went to Giant nearby my house to prepare some ingredients needed for lamb chop.
- 800g of mutton
- Teriyak sauce
- Spice
- Brocoli & some potatoes
Teriyaki sauce that I use to marinade the mutton
Rosemary leaves. To increase the taste of the mutton.
I dare not say I'm damn good in preparing steaks, however, this isn't my 1st time preparing it and I actually made many "experiments" before. Therefore my cooking skills (especially steaks) are quite good one okay?
Got back home, I took out the mutton and keep it unfreeze for about 2 hours. This is done so that the mutton are keep at the room temperature.
Muttons are dried in order for marinading
Next, of course, I washed it with filter water, and dried it in preparation for the next step, which is marinading. (*Remember to dry it before you marinade)
Then, of course, I marinaded the mutton with the teriyaki sauce and sprayed some flavouring on it. It should be marinaded for a minimum of 30 minutes before the mutton absord the taste.
Before I continue, do you all know that it's actually better to use a thick pan in cooking steaks as the heats are spread more evently. So at the time you put the steak on it, the steak will absord the heat.
So, come to preparation of the mutton, I poured some oil in the pan, and put the mutton down after heatting the pan until it's fiery-red.
Each side of the mutton are fried about 1 minute, then I transferred them to the oven to continue the cooking. In case you do not know, a lot of western restaurants prepare their steaks using the similar way as if you grill the steaks using pans, if would be over-cooked.
The muttons are put inside the oven for about 5-6 minutes. (7-8 minutes if you're preparing beef.)
Dang Dang... a western mean is then prepared!~
Doesn't look delicious? Ya la because I do not possess a camera mah! These pics are taken using my mum's hp. However, frankly speaking, the taste is better than some of the western restaurants outside there. :)
I was waiting for my mum's good comment on it. However she dare says it only taste ma ma dei....
Posted by -Kok Fai- at 5:56 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Dedicated for Guys!
Most of the time, when you want to know the girl's age but feel shy to ask, or the girl refuses to tell you... HEre's what you can do to know her age. ^.^
Ah Beng is a young and handsome college boy. One day, while walking on the street, he spotted a pretty, Ah Lian.
Ah Beng: "Hi pretty, do you believe that I can guess how old are you? By providing me the last 2 digits of your answer which you use your age, times by 67?"
AH Lian: "Wahhh really or not? Don't try to bluff me worrrr!"
Ah Beng: "Not bluffing. What if I can? you give me a kiss?"
Ah Lian : *shy*
Ah Beng: "Alrite, give me the total?"
Ah Lian took out her phone and pressed a while... and answered *NOTE! Ah Lian is 40 years old!
Ah Lian : "80!"
Ah Beng calculated a while... then he ran away from Ah Lian... leaving the sad sad Ah Lian on the street... crying alone...
Here's how you calculate it, ask the girl uses her age, times by the number 67. Then you use the total times 3 again. The last 2 digits of the answer would be the girl's age.
So now you know why Ah Beng ran away :)
Posted by -Kok Fai- at 8:42 PM 1 comments
Labels: sharing
Sunday, April 20, 2008
My 1st Visit to Laundry Bar
Birthday gal (Carolyn) and the organiser (Elsie)
Meehoon in Tomatoes sauce I suppose...
Italianese Pizza! Not from Pizza Hut of course
Tomoto Soup... (tomato again -.-")
The only dish that makes me happy --> chicken chop mixed with tomatoes
Prawn Spaghetti
Overall, the food there was nice, and price was reasonable as well.
Basically I don't know them really well as we only know each other for 2 weeks. So i just anyhow mixed around making friends, and took some pictures, which is for sure :)
All of us (there were late comers too)
Elsie a.k.a Miss White, she's still single and available
Handsome friend I made over there : Atif
"Fire show" by the servant
Next time if you wish to buy cake for your friends, here's a good place that I recommend, RT cake house @ PJ section 15, nearby Public Bank. Of course, they didn't pay me anything to promote. Simply because I think the cakes there are really nice and worth trying. Instead of buying secret recipe's cakes always... Why not try this?
Mirror Chocolate cake. NICE!
That's it for the whole night. Here I wish you, Miss Carolyn...
Not to forget Elsie, the organiser of that night. Thanks! We did enjoy that night. :)
Posted by -Kok Fai- at 2:08 AM 4 comments