Last week I was prompt by Wong Hon to work for his sister as a supervisor in selling cigarettes. The reason why I took this job was because the pay is quite high (so far the highest to me) and the working hour is short, from 6pm to 2am. I just cannot believe myself that, on one hand, I do hate smokers (wei hoe no offence okay? -.-"), and on another hand, I selling cigarettes to others.
ANyway, the venue was at MINES Convention Center. Somewhere which took me half an hour to get there from Mines Shopping Complex (I lost...). Once I reached there, WOW, damn a lot of chicks. Yeah there were 62 girls would be selling cigarettes on the 2 days. Yes you did not see wrongly nor I typo, there were 62 girls, on which 50 are under my agent and the other 12 are under another agency. You all know what? I felt like I was one of the judges for the Miss Malaysia event lor on that night. Lol... I have to admit that those girls are really pretty. Cigarettes girls mah.
Anyway, my task on that night, was not only selling cigarettes, I had to look after these girls as they face the risk of being sexually harrassted by the guests on that night. Indeed there were such cases happened. Sometimes it's just so helpless... You want to work at night club, you have to "sid dai" a bit lor...
BAck to topic, it was actually a 2 nights event, organised by KENT, a brand which under the BAT. They rented one section of the hall and designed it like a night club, where all invited youths would come and enjoy the music and drinks for FREE, through out the whole night. I was being positioned next to the bar, carrying my little nikon bag with all the cigarettes inside. Who ever wanna get the new cigarettes would ask from the girls and they would approach me for that. I've been standing there for like... the whole night from the beginning of the event till the end. Kononnya "One night stand".
The most char dou thing was... There was this guy who kept on disturbing my girlS. Not one buy many of them. He damn pintai 1, I kept on blocked him from talking and hugging those girls. End up he dulan me and gave me a kiss on my neck unexpectedly and said.
"You know you are blocking me from talking to the girls?"
Dai lou... who you think you are?! %$@#^ him.... Dunno whether got AIDS or not. He called himself as "Richie". Tiu, think he damn rich like that.
Don't ask me to post those girls' pics. I didnt take any pic of them. Just a video and some randoms pictures of the venue. Check them out ba!
Gonna attend lecture now. Ciaoz
ANyway, the venue was at MINES Convention Center. Somewhere which took me half an hour to get there from Mines Shopping Complex (I lost...). Once I reached there, WOW, damn a lot of chicks. Yeah there were 62 girls would be selling cigarettes on the 2 days. Yes you did not see wrongly nor I typo, there were 62 girls, on which 50 are under my agent and the other 12 are under another agency. You all know what? I felt like I was one of the judges for the Miss Malaysia event lor on that night. Lol... I have to admit that those girls are really pretty. Cigarettes girls mah.
Anyway, my task on that night, was not only selling cigarettes, I had to look after these girls as they face the risk of being sexually harrassted by the guests on that night. Indeed there were such cases happened. Sometimes it's just so helpless... You want to work at night club, you have to "sid dai" a bit lor...
BAck to topic, it was actually a 2 nights event, organised by KENT, a brand which under the BAT. They rented one section of the hall and designed it like a night club, where all invited youths would come and enjoy the music and drinks for FREE, through out the whole night. I was being positioned next to the bar, carrying my little nikon bag with all the cigarettes inside. Who ever wanna get the new cigarettes would ask from the girls and they would approach me for that. I've been standing there for like... the whole night from the beginning of the event till the end. Kononnya "One night stand".
The most char dou thing was... There was this guy who kept on disturbing my girlS. Not one buy many of them. He damn pintai 1, I kept on blocked him from talking and hugging those girls. End up he dulan me and gave me a kiss on my neck unexpectedly and said.
"You know you are blocking me from talking to the girls?"
Dai lou... who you think you are?! %$@#^ him.... Dunno whether got AIDS or not. He called himself as "Richie". Tiu, think he damn rich like that.
Don't ask me to post those girls' pics. I didnt take any pic of them. Just a video and some randoms pictures of the venue. Check them out ba!
Gonna attend lecture now. Ciaoz

You should tell him... I am the pimp here.. "And it would be My turn first then your turn, you old fag!"
Kok fai long time no seeee
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