Friday, January 4, 2008

The Year of 2008

When you are getting elder and elder, time seem to fly faster and faster. Without notice, the year 2008 has come. Look back in the past one year, have u acheived your mission which was set earlier or anything that you are satisfy with? As for me, definitely NOT! Haha... However, 2008 has come, which also means that I'm stepping into my adulthood. So what I gonna do in this year are:

1) Build a better networking with my friends (I admit I've been a lazy guy in the past one year)
2) Quit gaming (This is my aim since form5 lol)
3) Study hard in order to obtain a scholarship to further my studies in Australia
4) Be alert to the news in stock market and pay more attention in analyzing the market
5) Lastly, UPDATE MY BLOG more frequent! hehe...

I've set my missions. What about u? :) Happy new year!


Jo said...






听完这一课后我学到很多也决定跟着这个讲师学习,因为我也想像他一样毕业后不必上班打卡,^-^ 他告诉我放弃容易,坚持难,但只要坚持目标,目标一定会实现!

