Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Stupid police!!!

I went to california fitness early in this morning. As usual the personal trainer tortures me to dead. Seng Hong called me up asking me to foos, and i promised without much consideration. While on the way back to tmn connaught, cars from the other sides were giving signal that there is a road block at their back (i was driving at 70/kmj). So i remained my velocity at 80/kmj (yes i did speed up to 90kmj for a while). When i reached the path, the police asked me to go aside. WTF man! Below is the conversation between the police and me.

"Dik, halaju sini 80kmj sahaja."

"I over sikit sahaja la bang!"

"Kasi IC"
(passed him my ic with dulan-ness)

"masih belajar?"

"ya, kat rahman college"

"lain kali jgn speed lagi!"
(wtf i where got speed? pei lei!)

"ok ok thank you bang... terima kasih!!!" (drove off my car handsomely)

Luckily he let me go or else i'm gonna whack his face with my bottle (lol...)
THere u learn a lesson! Whenever u get caught by a police, tell him that u're a student from rahman college. =)


After today's incident, it reminds me of a joker version between the driver and police:

Polis: Encik, tadi u tak ada nampak lampu merah kah?


Polis: Kenapa u masih jalan?

Driver: Saya ada nampak lampu merah, tapi saya tak ada nampak u……

Polis: @#^#$&$&!@!@

Driver: bagi peluang ..tuan…

Polis: peluang bagi dgn macam mana??

Driver: bagilah peluang..

Polis: ya.. dgn macam mana??

Driver: biasa looo..

Polis: macam mana biasa..???

Driver: wei.. u pura pura ke atau hilang ingatan ar..

Polis: ape u maksud??

Driver: haizz.. u memang sedang bazirkan masa saya ..bagi saman…CEPATTTT…

Polis: saman RM200 o.. fikir baik baik …

Driver: wei.. u tak faham maksud saya ka.. suruh u bagi then jus bagi la..apasal mau cakap banyak… u punya head suruh u mari sini chatingar?? mau saman then cepat sikit.. hanya tahu bazir masa saya..saya sanggup bayar saman ini pun tak akan bagi u minum .. biar u dahaga.

Polis: )*&@&%$#(_!+%!&%)_!%&!@&
