Upon arrival, it was about 4pm. Everyone gets so tired. We checked in the apartment and prepared to go for our dinner. The apartment is owned by my brother inlaw's younger brother, so the renting fees is waived =D It is a 4 stars apartment. Normally a night here would cost you about RM350-400.
the view of the apartment
After we have taken our bath, my brother inlaw's brother (from now on i will call him as my uncle inlaw) assigned 2 vans and sent us to a kampung place to have our dinner. To be frank, if any of you think that you've tried the local flavor at Thai's restaurant, think again! None of the foreingner would know the existing of such a place unless you are a local. What can I say about the foods here? Hell and heaven! The spicy taste makes you yell like hell, on the other hand, the "syok-ness" would make you feel like heaven!

here is where we dine in
The appetizer was fruits with some unknown leaves. WHy do i say so? Those leaves are seen by us everywhere in Malaysia but in Thai they actually put it as a dish on the table!! I dare not to try it, however. Hehe... But according to one of the uncle, the taste was sweet and a bit sour. The 1st dish also fry leaves. ALso some uknown leaves! Damn stupid... but seriously the taste was fine. =) The rest of the dishes made everyone of us yelled SOS! Everybody's shirts got so wet because of the spicy tastes of the foods here! KFC hot and spicy? Try this and you will totally change ur mind.

the appetizer, which is fruits and some unknown leaves...

1st dish ---> "daun goreng"
The tomyam here which makes people feel like hell and heaven
after I've finished the soup... (Look what's left in the bowl)
steam fish with self-recipe sauce
Smoked saulted fish, never eat the skin of the fish!
meat is fresh and juicy! (look we all ignored the skin)
People who don't know about this salt smoked fish would have thought that the chief add too much salt mistakently. My uncle inlaw was a victim too! For the 1st time. So if any of you happen to try this, you will know what to do haha...
That's all for my 1st day in Phuket. There are still a lot of intertesting activities awaiting me. Stay tune and i will upload more and more gorgeous pictures! Wonder how I'm able to update my blog? Haha there's just a cyber cafe opposite my apartment, the charge is Rm6/hour. If possible I will update my blog every night. =)